Birding Italy : Ubird
Il Birdwatching Italiano | check list degli uccelli italiani | attrezzatura per birdwatching

Birding Italy : Ubird

Birding Italy

If you want to visit Italy for birding, you may be interested to have a look at the latest news and rarities.

EBN Italia has its own database platform, Ubird, where data are collected from Italian birders. You may also interested to see the Rarities page.


How to access to Ubird.

Ubird is a open access platform, you can see the "today’s records" (Oggi) without any subscription and get the record location. However, the list is limited to the last 10 entries every day. 

The other open access area is the "Hotspot’s list". Here you can find a map of Italy with more than 430 birding hotspots including seawatching points with an easy search by location.

For istance, if you are in Milan or in Rome, you can get the locations of the closest birding hotspot inside a radius of 30, 80, 150 km and info how to get there.


If you like to get more info and insert your data, you should log in. This is also for free. You can insert data and scroll through the database as "EBN Member".

You have just to register here. It’s written in Italian, but mandatory info are just name, surname and email. We really appreciate if you register as a foreign birder.

In this case, you can also partecipate to our project and insert your records into Ubird.


The third level is to be a "Member". The access fee is 19 € as a foreign member, and you can get full access to the database and see all the data of the other members (rare and threatened species apart), search by month, by location, and the detailed check list of every hotspot. Threatened or very localized, species are omitted, such as "Bonelli’s Eagle, Lanner Falcon, Egyptian Vulture, Ural Owl, Eagle Owl, Pygmy and Tengmalm’s Owl, Black Stork, Rock Partridge, Hazel Grouse, Rock Ptarmigan, Capercaille, Little Bustard, Corncrake" 

The check list is a very useful tool since it is a real check list, made by data inserted into Ubird, and not a historical one! For every record you can get date and map.

If you like to have full access to Ubird as a "Socio EBN", you can pay 19 € through Paypal. Subscription is valid for 2 weeks (foreign birders only).